New Book: Freedom From the Prison of Addiction
Freedom from the Prison of Addiction: Spiritual and Secular Wisdom by Martina Killeavy has just been published.
It is based on worskhops Martina delivered with Brian Lennon, s.j., using both the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius and the Twelve Steps.
Written in very simple language, with an Afterword by Peter McVerry, s.j., it would be an excellent book for prayer during Lent.
Dialogue For Diversity was set up in Northern Ireland in 2009. We want to develop more respect and esteem for all groups in society, especially the marginalized.
We have been influenced by the Northern Ireland conflict, its aftermath, and the need for a more inclusive society.
'Esteem' is about respecting, honouring and valuing other groups and individuals. It does not mean agreeing with their positions or actions.
In Northern Ireland some want to remain part of the UK and some want a United Ireland. Whatever our ultimate goal, we believe that all of us are all called to commit ourselves to the other people living in this area. That means confronting sectarianism.
We believe God is three diverse persons in one God. Because of this diversity is important, so we oppose racism and work for an inclusive society.
In the light of Christ's involvement with marginalized people, it is important for us to learn from, be involved with, and work with people on the edge of society.
Dialogue For Diversity is recognised as a charity in by the Northern Ireland Charities Commission No 107577, and is registered as a Company limited by Guarantee, number XT2162.